Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Little Girl Walking Down the Street" by Melody.

Once upon a time, there was a little girl, walking down the road.  She got hit by a car.  She was six hundred.  She ran to her mom as fast as she could, she didn't know what to do.  Then, she went to her dad, "Dad, dad, dad, I runned over a car, and I'm gonna hide".

And then, suddenly, there was something coming, you know.  "Woah", mom said.  Then , dad didn't know what to do either.  Then he was so afraid that his glasses were gone. 

 "Mom", he said, "my glasses are gone".  Then she ran to mom, and she said, "Im gonna tell everyone in this land that dad did it".  "Wait, wait, wait," mom said, "tell them about me, too.  I lost my ring that I wore to work today.  And I lost my lotion".

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